2 changed files with 245 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ |
function get_param(state, arg) |
local param_mode = state.mem[state.pos] // (10 ^ (arg + 1)) % 10 |
if #state.mem < state.pos + arg then |
print(string.format("Error: Opcode too short at end of memory: %d", state.pos)) |
os.exit(false) |
end |
local arg = state.mem[state.pos + arg] |
if param_mode == 0 then |
arg = arg + 1 |
elseif param_mode == 2 then |
arg = arg + state.relbase |
end |
return arg |
end |
function read_mem(state, arg) |
local param_mode = state.mem[state.pos] // (10 ^ (arg + 1)) % 10 |
local arg = get_param(state, arg) |
if param_mode == 1 then |
return arg |
end |
arg = state.mem[arg] |
if not arg then |
return 0 |
end |
return arg |
end |
function write_mem(state, arg, val) |
local param_mode = state.mem[state.pos] // (10 ^ (arg + 1)) % 10 |
local arg = get_param(state, arg) |
if param_mode == 1 then |
print(string.format("Error: Invalid inmediate write: %d", arg)) |
end |
state.mem[arg] = val |
end |
function interpret(state) |
if not state.mem then |
state.mem = state |
end |
if not state.pos then |
state.pos = 1 |
state.relbase = 1 |
end |
if not state.input then |
state.input = input_stdin |
end |
if not state.output then |
state.output = output_stdout |
end |
while true do |
if #state.mem < state.pos then |
print(string.format("Instruction pointer ran off of memory")) |
os.exit(false) |
end |
local opcode = state.mem[state.pos] % 100 |
local instr_size = 1 |
if opcode == 1 then |
write_mem(state, 3, read_mem(state, 1) + read_mem(state, 2)) |
instr_size = 4 |
elseif opcode == 2 then |
write_mem(state, 3, read_mem(state, 1) * read_mem(state, 2)) |
instr_size = 4 |
elseif opcode == 3 then |
local val = state.input() |
if not val then return true end |
write_mem(state, 1, val) |
instr_size = 2 |
elseif opcode == 4 then |
state.output(read_mem(state, 1)) |
instr_size = 2 |
elseif opcode == 5 then |
instr_size = 3 |
if read_mem(state, 1) ~= 0 then |
state.pos = read_mem(state, 2) + 1 |
instr_size = 0 |
end |
elseif opcode == 6 then |
instr_size = 3 |
if read_mem(state, 1) == 0 then |
state.pos = read_mem(state, 2) + 1 |
instr_size = 0 |
end |
elseif opcode == 7 then |
write_mem(state, 3, read_mem(state, 1) < read_mem(state, 2) and 1 or 0) |
instr_size = 4 |
elseif opcode == 8 then |
write_mem(state, 3, read_mem(state, 1) == read_mem(state, 2) and 1 or 0) |
instr_size = 4 |
elseif opcode == 9 then |
state.relbase = state.relbase + read_mem(state, 1) |
instr_size = 2 |
elseif opcode == 99 then |
return false |
else |
print(string.format("Error: Invalid opcode %d at %d", opcode, state.pos - 1)) |
os.exit(false) |
end |
state.pos = state.pos + instr_size |
end |
end |
function input_stdin() |
io.stdout:write("> ") |
return io.stdin:read("n") |
end |
function output_stdout(val) |
io.stdout:write(val) |
io.stdout:write("\n") |
end |
function input_array(array) |
function inner() |
return table.remove(array, 1) |
end |
return inner |
end |
function output_array(array) |
function inner(val) |
table.insert(array, val) |
end |
return inner |
end |
file = io.open(arg[1]) |
program = {} |
for num in string.gmatch(file:read(), "(-?%d+),?") do |
table.insert(program, tonumber(num)) |
end |
file:close() |
--interpret(program) |
--file = {} |
--for line in io.lines(arg[1]) do |
--fline = {} |
--for char in line:gmatch(".") do |
--if char == "." then |
--table.insert(fline, 0) |
--else |
--table.insert(fline, 1) |
--end |
--end |
--table.insert(file, fline) |
--end |
result_p1 = 0 |
angles_low = {} |
angles_high = {} |
for y = 0, 49 do |
--for y = 0, 34 do |
current = 0 |
for x = 0, 49 do |
--for x = 0, 34 do |
output = {} |
interpret({mem={table.unpack(program)}, input=input_array({x, y}), output=output_array(output)}) |
--output = {file[y + 1][x + 1]} |
result_p1 = result_p1 + output[1] |
if current ~= output[1] then |
current = output[1] |
if current == 1 then |
table.insert(angles_low, math.atan(y + 0.5, x + 0.5)) |
else |
table.insert(angles_high, math.atan(y + 0.5, x + 0.5)) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
print("Part 1:", result_p1) |
p1 = {x=1, y=1} |
p2 = {x=1, y=1} |
while (p2.x - p1.x) < 99 or (p1.y - p2.y) < 99 do |
if (p2.x - p1.x) < 99 then |
p2.x = p1.x + 99 |
while true do |
output = {} |
interpret({mem={table.unpack(program)}, input=input_array({p2.x, p2.y}), output=output_array(output)}) |
if output[1] == 1 then |
break |
end |
p2.y = p2.y + 1 |
end |
end |
if (p1.y - p2.y) < 99 then |
p1.y = p2.y + 99 |
while true do |
output = {} |
interpret({mem={table.unpack(program)}, input=input_array({p1.x, p1.y}), output=output_array(output)}) |
if output[1] == 1 then |
break |
end |
p1.x = p1.x + 1 |
end |
end |
end |
print("Part 2:", p1.x * 10000 + p2.y) |
-- I tried to do this using the law of cosines and it works for the example, but not for the "real" thing... |
function mean(table) |
local sum = 0 |
for _, x in ipairs(table) do |
sum = sum + x |
end |
return sum / #table |
end |
angle_low = mean(angles_low) |
angle_high = mean(angles_high) |
angle_rect = -math.pi * 1 / 4 |
print(angle_low, angle_high, angle_rect) |
angle_alpha = angle_low - angle_high |
angle_beta = math.pi - (angle_low - angle_rect) |
angle_gamma = angle_high - angle_rect |
print(angle_alpha, angle_beta, angle_gamma, (angle_alpha + angle_beta + angle_gamma) / math.pi) |
length_a = math.sqrt((99 ^ 2) + (99 ^ 2)) |
--length_a = math.sqrt((9 ^ 2) + (9 ^ 2)) |
length_b = length_a * math.sin(angle_beta) / math.sin(angle_alpha) |
length_c = length_a * math.sin(angle_gamma) / math.sin(angle_alpha) |
pos_low = {x=math.cos(angle_low) * length_c, y=math.sin(angle_low) * length_c} |
pos_high = {x=math.cos(angle_high) * length_b, y=math.sin(angle_high) * length_b} |
print(pos_low.x, pos_low.y, pos_high.x, pos_high.y) |
print(angle_rect + math.pi, math.atan(pos_low.y - pos_high.y, pos_low.x - pos_high.x)) |
pos_x = math.ceil(pos_low.x - 0.5) |
pos_y = math.ceil(pos_high.y - 0.5) |
print("Part 2:", pos_x * 10000 + pos_y) |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
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Reference in new issue