Some shit software I was messing with on gb
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include ""
section "home/serial.asm@hram", hram
h_serial_len: dw
h_serial_send_ptr: dw
h_serial_recv_ptr: dw
section "home/serial.asm@int58", rom0[$58]
push af
push hl
push bc
push de
jp serial_shift_int
section "home/serial.asm", rom0
call serial_shift
pop de
pop bc
pop hl
pop af
ldh a, [h_serial_len + 0]
ld c, a
ldh a, [h_serial_len + 1]
ld b, a
; End early if we're done
or c
ret z
ldh a, [h_serial_recv_ptr + 0]
ld e, a
ldh a, [h_serial_recv_ptr + 1]
ld d, a
; Store the last received byte
or e
jr z, .no_recv
ldh a, [r_sb]
ld [de], a
inc de
; We've transferred an entire byte in both directions
dec bc
ldh a, [h_serial_send_ptr + 0]
ld l, a
ldh a, [h_serial_send_ptr + 1]
ld h, a
; fallthrough
; If the length is 0, not much should be done
ld a, b
or c
jr z, .empty
ld a, h
or l
ld a, -1
jr z, .no_send
ld a, [hli]
ldh [r_sb], a
ldh a, [r_sc]
set r_sc_start_f, a
jr .store
ldh a, [r_sc]
res r_sc_start_f, a
ldh [r_sc], a
ld a, c
ldh [h_serial_len + 0], a
ld a, b
ldh [h_serial_len + 1], a
ld a, e
ldh [h_serial_recv_ptr + 0], a
ld a, d
ldh [h_serial_recv_ptr + 1], a
ld a, l
ldh [h_serial_send_ptr + 0], a
ld a, h
ldh [h_serial_send_ptr + 1], a
; ret: z if done, nz if not done
ldh a, [r_sc]
bit r_sc_start_f, a
; hl: Source buffer
; de: Destination buffer
; bc: Size
; ret: nz if previous transfer is still in transit
call serial_finished
ret nz
jp serial_queue
ld a, 1
db $fe ; CP A, n8
xor a
; fallthrough
ldh [r_sc], a
ldh a, [r_ie]
set r_int_serial_f, a
ldh [r_ie], a