Some shit software I was messing with on gb
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5 years ago
name := Something
dir_build := build
dir_source := source
dir_assets := assets
RGBASM := rgbasm
RGBGFX := rgbgfx
RGBLINK := rgblink
RGBFIX := rgbfix
RGBASMFLAGS := -p 0xff -L
RGBLINKFLAGS := -p 0xff -d -t
RGBFIXFLAGS := -p 0xff -j -m 0 -r 0 -n 0 -k "HB" -i "SMTH" -t "Something"
rwildcard = $(foreach d, $(wildcard $1*), $(filter $(subst *, %, $2), $d) $(call rwildcard, $d/, $2))
objects := $(patsubst $(dir_source)/%.asm, $(dir_build)/%.o, $(call rwildcard, $(dir_source)/, *.asm))
.PHONY: all
all: $(name).gb
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(name).gb $(name).sym $(name).map $(dir_build)
$(name).gb: $(objects)
$(RGBLINK) $(RGBLINKFLAGS) -l $< -n $( -m $( -o $@ $(filter-out $<, $^)
$(dir_build)/%.o: $(dir_source)/%.asm | $$(dir $$@)
$(RGBASM) $(RGBASMFLAGS) -i $(dir_build)/ -i $(dir_source)/ -M $(@:.o=.d) -o $@ $<
$(dir_build)/%.pal: $(dir_assets)/%.png | $$(dir $$@)
$(RGBGFX) -p $@ $<
$(dir_build)/%.tilemap: $(dir_assets)/%.png | $$(dir $$@)
$(RGBGFX) -u -t $@ $<
$(dir_build)/%.2bpp: $(dir_assets)/%.png | $$(dir $$@)
$(RGBGFX) -u -o $@ $<
$(dir_build)/%.1bpp: $(dir_assets)/%.png | $$(dir $$@)
$(RGBGFX) -d 1 -u -o $@ $<
mkdir -p $@
-include $(patsubst %.o, %.d, $(objects))