TheZZAZZGlitch's April Fools Event 2022
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

237 lines
3.6 KiB

charmap = {
' ': 0x00,
'0': 0xA1,
'1': 0xA2,
'2': 0xA3,
'3': 0xA4,
'4': 0xA5,
'5': 0xA6,
'6': 0xA7,
'7': 0xA8,
'8': 0xA9,
'9': 0xAA,
'!': 0xAB,
'?': 0xAC,
'.': 0xAD,
'-': 0xAE,
'': 0xB0,
'': 0xB1,
'': 0xB2,
'': 0xB3,
'': 0xB4,
'': 0xB5,
'': 0xB6,
',': 0xB8,
'/': 0xBA,
'A': 0xBB,
'B': 0xBC,
'C': 0xBD,
'D': 0xBE,
'E': 0xBF,
'F': 0xC0,
'G': 0xC1,
'H': 0xC2,
'I': 0xC3,
'J': 0xC4,
'K': 0xC5,
'L': 0xC6,
'M': 0xC7,
'N': 0xC8,
'O': 0xC9,
'P': 0xCA,
'Q': 0xCB,
'R': 0xCC,
'S': 0xCD,
'T': 0xCE,
'U': 0xCF,
'V': 0xD0,
'W': 0xD1,
'X': 0xD2,
'Y': 0xD3,
'Z': 0xD4,
'a': 0xD5,
'b': 0xD6,
'c': 0xD7,
'd': 0xD8,
'e': 0xD9,
'f': 0xDA,
'g': 0xDB,
'h': 0xDC,
'i': 0xDD,
'j': 0xDE,
'k': 0xDF,
'l': 0xE0,
'm': 0xE1,
'n': 0xE2,
'o': 0xE3,
'p': 0xE4,
'q': 0xE5,
'r': 0xE6,
's': 0xE7,
't': 0xE8,
'u': 0xE9,
'v': 0xEA,
'w': 0xEB,
'x': 0xEC,
'y': 0xED,
'z': 0xEE,
'$': 0xFF,
chars = [
' ',
# Script vars are u16
def one_round(string, starting_val, coeffs, addends):
assert(len(coeffs) == 10)
assert(len(string) == 10)
var32769 = starting_val
for c,n,x in zip(string,coeffs,addends):
var32769 = (var32769 + charmap[c]) % 65536
var32769 = (var32769 * n) % 65536
var32769 = (var32769 + x) % 65536
return var32769
round1 = (6969, [73, 97, 13, 41, 67, 101, 89, 139, 71, 83], [6367, 5099, 4591, 4421, 4831, 3581, 5039, 5279, 4079, 4021])
round2 = (1337, [59, 181, 127, 163, 103, 163, 149, 193, 211, 151], [3701, 4603, 4663, 4703, 4219, 6481, 6983, 5407, 5297, 5099])
def get_hash_for(string):
var32771 = one_round(string, *round1)
var32769 = one_round(string, *round2)
return hex(var32771),hex(var32769)
def get_unk_coeffs(round):
constant = one_round(" ", *round)
coeffs = []
for c in round[1]:
for i in range(len(coeffs)):
coeffs[i] = (coeffs[i] * c) % 65536
return constant,coeffs
simple_round1 = get_unk_coeffs(round1)
simple_round2 = get_unk_coeffs(round2)
def simple_round(string, starting_val, coeffs):
return (starting_val + sum([ (charmap[char] * coeff) % 65536 for (char,coeff) in zip(string,coeffs) ])) % 65536
def simple_hash(string):
var32771 = simple_round(string, *simple_round1)
var32769 = simple_round(string, *simple_round2)
return hex(var32771),hex(var32769)
# all = len(chars) ** 10
# for x in range(all):
# s = ""
# while x:
# s += chars[x % len(chars)]
# x //= len(chars)
# while len(s) < 10:
# s += "$"
# hash = simple_hash(s)
# if hash == 0xB0EF:
# print(s)
print(get_hash_for("0123456789"), simple_hash("0123456789"))
print(get_hash_for("$$$$$$$$$$"), simple_hash("$$$$$$$$$$"))
print(get_hash_for("ABABABABAB"), simple_hash("ABABABABAB"))
print(get_hash_for("6969696969"), simple_hash("6969696969"))
def print_simple(starting_val, coeffs, target):
print(coeffs, hex((target - starting_val) % 65536))
print_simple(*simple_round1, 45295)
print_simple(*simple_round2, 54457)
for char in charmap:
print("0x%04X" % ((charmap[char] * 39437) & 0xffff))
# a1 * x1 + a2 * x2 + C = <>
# (a1 + a2) * (x1 + x2) + C