Was supposed to be a linux distribution, now just a collection of build scripts for packages on top of (ideally) any distribution.

34 lines
1.1 KiB

import 'vcs/git'
import 'compile/python'
vcs_git "https://github.com/The-Compiler/$name"
cd "$name"
# Fix paths
sed -i -e "s/usr\/share/$(safe_sed "$dir_prefix/$dir_datadir")/" qutebrowser/utils/standarddir.py
compile_python 3
sed -e '/^Name=/s/$/ (Webengine)/' \
-e '/^Exec=/s/%u/--backend webengine &/' "$name.desktop" > "$name-webengine.desktop"
# Install manpage
a2x -f manpage "doc/$name.1.asciidoc"
install -Dm644 -t "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_mandir/man1" "doc/$name.1"
# Install desktop and icons
install -Dm644 -t "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_datadir/applications" "$name.desktop" "$name-webengine.desktop"
for x in 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 256 512; do
install -Dm644 "icons/$name-${x}x$x.png" "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_datadir/icons/hicolor/${x}x$x/apps/$name.png"
install -Dm644 -t "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_datadir/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps" "icons/$name.svg"
# Install userscripts
install -Dm755 -t "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_datadir/$name/userscripts/" misc/userscripts/*
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