Was supposed to be a linux distribution, now just a collection of build scripts for packages on top of (ideally) any distribution.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
711 B

import 'compile/python'
8 years ago
define_option 'easy_install-symlink: Install the easy_install symlink (it may conflict with python2)'
dlextract "https://github.com/pypa/$name/archive/v$version/$name-$version.tar.gz" \
8 years ago
cd "$name-$version"
# Don't install the regular easy_install, as it conflicts with python 2
option !easy_install-symlink sed -i -e '/easy_install =/d' setup.py
# Don't use pip to fetch dependencies
sed -i -e '/pip/d' bootstrap.py
python3 bootstrap.py
compile_python 3
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