Notes: Some config changes are done in patched packages: - wpa_supplicant - vim Changes: /etc/rc.d/rc.M: - Added entry for dhcpcd /etc/rc.d/rc.S: - Removed useless sleep before mounting local filesystems. /etc/rc.d/rc.6: - Added saving alsa sound state if /etc/rc.d/rc.alsa is executable. /etc/rc.d/rc.dhcpcd: - Just run dhcpcd on boot /etc/rc.d/rc.alsa: - Just added a newline at the end to differentiate from the original and set the permissions to 755 /etc/profile: - Added sbin paths to the PATH for all users /etc/dhcpcd.conf: - Removed nohook for wpa_supplicant, to run it on every wireless interface /etc/ntp.conf: - Uncommented all default NTP servers. /etc/slackpkg/blacklist: - A list of the packages I usually remove from the base install. It's not replaced on install and completely optional. /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.i3: - Added xinitrc file for the i3 window system.