import 'compile/cmake' name=nxengine-evo version=2.6 update_url="$name/releases" update_names="/archive/v$version.tar.gz" define_option 'console_key=`: The key used to access the debug console' dlextract "$name/archive/v$version/$name-$version.tar.gz" \ 'cab384bb9afd33b41644b86b23459c52' download "" \ '5aad47f1cb72185d6e7f4c8c392f6b6e' extrafile "$name.desktop" extrafile "$name.png" _ # Copy Cave Story executable and data to the source directory. extract '' '' 'unzip -qd {dst} {src}' cp -an CaveStory/data CaveStory/Doukutsu.exe "$name-$version" cd "$name-$version" # Some keyboards don't have the default key accessible. A saner default would be '.' or '-'. # Since it's kind of up to the player, I just shittily patch it here. console_key="$(safe_sed $(option =console_key))" sed -i -e "/if (key == '\`')/s/\`/$console_key/" src/input.cpp sed -i -e "/case '\`':/s/\`/$console_key/" src/console.cpp # Build the source compile_cmake -I # Extract extra data from Doukutsu.exe ./bin/extract # Install game install -Dm755 -t "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_lib/$name" bin/nx mkdir -p "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_bin" ln -s "/$dir_prefix/$dir_lib/$name/nx" "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_bin/nxengine-evo" # Install data mkdir -p "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_data/$name" cp -aT data "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_data/$name" ln -s "/$dir_prefix/$dir_data/$name" "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_lib/$name/data" # Install desktop file and icon install -Dm644 -t "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_data/applications" "../$name.desktop" install -Dm644 -t "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_data/pixmaps" "../$name.png" # vim:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 syntax=sh expandtab: