import 'compile/waf' name=waf version=1.9.7 update_url='' dlextract "$name-$version.tar.bz2" \ 'a1f2776e2db4fa4c6ac00b224d854c3f' header_end cd "$name-$version" compile_waf -b "python3 ./$name-light" -- --make-waf # Strip the packed library from the program. The plain files are installed separately. sed -i -e '/^#==>$/,/^#<==$/d' "$name" # Strip revision from the libdir name sed -i -e '/dirname =/s/%s-%s-%s/%s-%s/' \ -e '/dirname =/s/, REVISION//' "$name" # Change the logic of checking dirs to find waflib to only check one dir, the dir where we installed it. sed -i -e "s/INSTALL,'\/usr','\/usr\/local','\/opt'/'$(safe_sed "/$dir_prefix")',/" \ -e "s/'\/lib\/'/'$(safe_sed "/$dir_libdir/")'/" "$name" # Fix the shebang to point to python3 sed -i -e '1s/python/python3/' "$name" # Install program install -Dm755 -t "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_bindir" "$name" # Install library wafdir="$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_libdir/${name}3-$version" install -d "$wafdir" unzip -od "$wafdir" zip/ python3 -OOm compileall "$wafdir" chmod -R a+r "$wafdir" # vim:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 syntax=sh expandtab: