#!/bin/sh -e # A hacky script to generate .pkg.tar.?z files using satellites. # It's a fairly simple wrapper to astronaut, that generates a pacman package at the end. # This may also serve as an example on how you can wrap astronaut to package in any format. # Sure, no dependency resolution, and the packages won't make it in any official repositories, # but it isn't meant for that anyway. _topdir=$PWD _astronaut="$(dirname "$0")/astronaut" [ ! -f "$_astronaut" ] && _astronaut="astronaut" _nuke_dir_install=true . "$_astronaut" # _dir_pacman should be set from a configuration file (e.g. ~/.astronaut.conf), and points to wherever you want your packages to be placed. [ "$_dir_pacman" ] && mkdir -p "$_dir_pacman" && cd "$_dir_pacman" || cd "$_topdir" cat << EOF > "$dir_install/.PKGINFO" pkgname = $name pkgver = $version-astro pkgdesc = Generated with pacman-astronaut url = $update_url builddate = $(date -u '+%s') size = $(du -sb --apparent-size "$dir_install" | awk '{print $1}') arch = $(uname -m) EOF bsdtar --strip-components 1 -C "$dir_install" -czf .MTREE --format=mtree --options='!all,use-set,type,uid,gid,mode,time,size,md5,sha256,link' . mv .MTREE "$dir_install/.MTREE" # bsdtar doesn't like the file being in the same directory. fakeroot -- bsdtar --strip-components 1 -C "$dir_install" -cf - . | xz -c -z - > "$name-$version-astro-$(uname -m).pkg.tar.xz" repo-add astronaut.db.tar.gz "$name-$version-astro-$(uname -m).pkg.tar.xz"