name=nxengine version=1006 update_url='' define_option 'dir_runtime=$HOME/.nxengine: The directory used to store the nxengine configuration and save files.' define_option 'console_key=`: The key used to access the debug console.' dlextract "$version.tar.bz2" \ 'cc0d1f5608bba70df86a6f5a3b4dd3bd' download "" \ '5aad47f1cb72185d6e7f4c8c392f6b6e' extrafile "$" extrafile "$name.desktop" extrafile "$name.png" header_end extract '' '' 'unzip -qd {dst} {src}' # Some keyboards don't have an accessible backtick. console_key="$(safe_sed $(option =console_key))" sed -i -e "s/\`/$console_key/" nx/input.cpp sed -i -e "s/\`/$console_key/" nx/console.cpp # Allow custom CFLAGS to the Makefile sed -i -e '/g++/s/-o/$(CFLAGS) -o/g' nx/Makefile # Build the nx executable make -C nx # Install the nxengine executable install -Dm755 nx/nx "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_libdir/$name/nx" # Install the necessary data install -Dm644 -t "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_datadir/$name" nx/font.ttf nx/smalfont.bmp nx/sprites.sif nx/tilekey.dat CaveStory/Doukutsu.exe cp -a CaveStory/data "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_datadir/$name/data" # Install the run script # Where the files will be copied to on runtime. dir_runtime="$(option =dir_runtime)" sed -i -e "s/%PREFIX%/$(safe_sed "$dir_prefix")/" \ -e "s/%RUNTIME%/$(safe_sed "$dir_runtime")/" \ -e "s/%LIBDIR%/$(safe_sed "$dir_libdir")/" \ -e "s/%DATADIR%/$(safe_sed "$dir_datadir")/" \ install -Dm755 "$" "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_bindir/$name" # Install desktop file and icon install -Dm644 "$name.png" "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_datadir/pixmaps/$name.png" install -Dm644 "$name.desktop" "$dir_install/$dir_prefix/$dir_datadir/applications/$name.desktop" # vim:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 syntax=sh et: