#!/bin/sh -e # A script to check for satellite updates. # It just downloads the documents which should be updated when the software has an update. # It's a shitty method, but it kinda works... Other than having a lot of false-positives. _show_help() { echo "This program will help keep your satellites fresh and up to date. Usage: $0 <[\$dir_satellites] [\$_dir_fresh]|ignore <diff> <ignorediff>> \$dir_satellites = The directory where all the satellites are you want to update. \$_dir_fresh = The directory that will be used to keep all the files for checking. ignore = Use this option to generate an ignorediff. diff = A diff file. Generated without -u or any other fancy options. ignorediff = A file containing the differences to be ignored (this file will be appended to). The variables (starting with \$) can also be set from a configuration file." } get_variable() { printf " download() { :; } extract() { :; } getfile() { :; } extrafile() { :; } dlextract() { :; } dlfile() { :; } header_end() { echo \$$1; exit; } . %s " $2 | sh } download() { $(echo "$cmd_download" | sed -e 's@{dst}@'"$2"'@g' -e 's@{src}@'"$1"'@g') 2> /dev/null } diff_extractlines() { # Extract all the line numbers from a diff. stage=0 for line in $(echo "$1" | awk '{print $1}'); do if [ "$stage" = 0 ]; then if [ "$line" != ">" -a "$line" != "<" ]; then echo "$line" stage=1 fi elif [ "$stage" = 1 ]; then if [ "$line" != ">" -a "$line" != "<" ]; then if [ "$line" = "---" ]; then stage=0 else echo "$line" fi fi fi done } apply_ignorediff() { # Filter a diff, only return the differences that shouldn't be ignored. # TODO: This function is slow, due to the usage of awk on every line. A solution for this problem would be great. stage=0 ignore=0 echo "$1" | while read line; do first="$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')" if [ "$stage" = 0 ]; then if [ "$first" != ">" -a "$first" != "<" ]; then stage=1 ignore=0 if grep -e "^$line\$" "$2" > /dev/null; then ignore=1 fi fi elif [ "$stage" = 1 ]; then if [ "$first" != ">" -a "$first" != "<" ]; then if [ "$line" = "---" ]; then stage=0 else ignore=0 if grep -e "^$line\$" "$2" > /dev/null; then ingore=1 fi fi fi fi if [ "$ignore" = 0 ]; then echo "$line" fi done } # Do something completely different when this option is provided. if [ "$1" = "ignore" ]; then if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then _show_help exit 1 fi diff_extractlines "$(cat "$2")" >> "$3" # Don't do anything else exit fi # Load the config cmd_download="curl -L -o {dst} {src}" # Command to execute to download files [ -f /etc/astronaut.conf ] && . /etc/astronaut.conf [ -f "$HOME/.astronaut.conf" ] && . "$HOME/.astronaut.conf" # Override config with command-line parameters. [ "$1" ] && dir_satellites="$1" [ "$2" ] && _dir_fresh="$2" if [ ! "$dir_satellites" -o ! "$_dir_fresh" ]; then _show_help exit 1 fi mkdir -p "$_dir_fresh" for sat in "$dir_satellites"/*.sat; do update_url="$(get_variable update_url "$sat")" name="$(basename "$sat" .sat)" if [ "$update_url" ]; then printf "Checking: $name..." cols="$(expr $(tput cols) - $(printf "Checking: $name..." | wc -c))" download "$update_url" "$_dir_fresh/$name.fresh" if [ -f "$_dir_fresh/$name" ]; then check="$(diff "$_dir_fresh/$name" "$_dir_fresh/$name.fresh" || true)" if [ -f "$_dir_fresh/$name.ignorediff" ]; then check="$(apply_ignorediff "$check" "$_dir_fresh/$name.ignorediff")" fi if [ "$check" ]; then printf "%${cols}s\n" "Update detected" echo "$check" >> "$_dir_fresh/$name-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).diff" else printf "\n" fi else printf "%${cols}s\n" "First update check, creating new file" download "$update_url" "$_dir_fresh/$name.checkfresh" check="$(diff "$_dir_fresh/$name.fresh" "$_dir_fresh/$name.checkfresh" || true)" if [ "$check" ]; then echo "$(diff_extractlines "$check")" >> "$_dir_fresh/$name.ignorediff" echo "> Created ignorediff" fi rm "$_dir_fresh/$name.checkfresh" fi mv "$_dir_fresh/$name.fresh" "$_dir_fresh/$name" fi done