diff --git a/astronaut/astronaut b/astronaut/astronaut
index 0080eee..f37c6be 100755
--- a/astronaut/astronaut
+++ b/astronaut/astronaut
@@ -68,8 +68,7 @@ Usage: $0 [-sbipr
] [-Id] [-o ]
-v Only build vcs package if any updates have been made to it
-o Set package options (comma-separated)
-- Use \`head -n 36 $0 > astronaut.conf.example\` to generate a default configuration file.
+Tips:$([ "$(basename "$0")" = "astronaut" ] && printf "\n- Use \`head -n 36 $0 > astronaut.conf.example\` to generate a default configuration file.")
- Keep in mind that when specifying options on the command line in a string, the first always takes priority.
For example, in \"opt,someotheropt,!opt\", opt is enabled, due to it being the first occurrence.
- If you have set \$dir_satellites in the config, you can omit the .sat suffix.