Arduino gameboy cart reader software, using
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#pragma once
#include <avr/io.h>
#define cycles(us) (F_CPU * (long long)(us) / 1000000)
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (sfr &= ~_BV(bit))
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (sfr |= _BV(bit))
// Stupid definitions for handling pins.
#define _pin(port, pin) PORT ## port ## pin
#define _port(port, pin) PORT ## port
#define pin(pin) _BV(_pin(pin))
#define port(pin) _port(pin)
#define LOW 0
#define HIGH 1
#define OUTPUT 1
#define INPUT 0
#define _pinmode(port, pin, x) if (x) { sbi(DDR ## port, DD ## port ## pin); } else { cbi(DDR ## port, DD ## port ## pin); }
#define pinmode(pin, x) _pinmode(pin, x)
#define _writepin(port, pin, x) if (x) { sbi(PORT ## port, PORT ## port ## pin); } else { cbi(PORT ## port, PORT ## port ## pin); }
#define writepin(pin, x) _writepin(pin, x)
#define _readpin(port, pin) ((PIN ## port >> PORT ## port ## pin) & 1)
#define readpin(pin) _readpin(pin)